[ultimate_heading main_heading=»Myths about breastfeeding» main_heading_color=»#93c2bc» sub_heading_style=»font-style:italic;» sub_heading_font_size=»desktop:18px;» sub_heading_margin=»margin-top:10px;» margin_design_tab_text=»»]It is important to set the records straight on a number of myths and misconceptions that get passed on, and seem to encourage negative attitudes towards breastfeeding. All that these myths do is generate rejection and barriers to initiation and continuance.[/ultimate_heading]
Myths about appearance and the mother’s diet

Breastfeeding deforms breasts

Fact: The main changes take place during pregnancy, even if the mother breastfeeds or not. All women´s breasts gradually; but due to age, genetic factors and body fat.,..

You have to drink a lot of water, you must drink more milk, you have to eat more…

Fact: Mothers should have a varied and balanced diet, above 1800 calories and drink when thirsty. Milk production does not increase by eating more or drinking more milk or other liquids.

You should note at certain food because tastes different and the child will have more gas.

Fact: The taste of milk changes depending on what the mother eats and this helps the child get used to new flavours and makes it easier when supplementary feeding begins. There is nothing that the mother eats that will give the baby gases.

Myths and breastfeeding techniques

A strict timetable is required; ten minutes nursing on each breast and feed every three hours, so that the baby learns.

Fact: Breastfeeding should always be on demand without a fixed timetable allowing the baby to decide when to feed. In this way latching will be frequent and emptying the breast is the best way to stimulate abundant milk production.

If you allow the child to feed every time the child wants to you spoil the child.

Fact: Babies do not only require the milk but also physical contact and affection. This is fundamental for secure attachment and will be the base of his or her confidence and self esteem.

You should always feed with both breasts each time.

Fact: One breast should be emptied before offering the next breast in this way the child will get all the milk rich in fat at the end of the feed. Some babies only feed on one breast during a single feed.

It is normal to feel pain.

Fact: Pain while breastfeeding means something is wrong. It could be poor latching, an infection or some other problem.

Myths concerning milk supply and quality

If you have small breasts, you won´t have much milk

Fact: Breasts are made up of glandular tissue (where milk is produced), fatty tissue and connecting tissue. The size of the breast is irrelevant and does not affect how much milk you produce. It mostly depends on the amount of fat rather than glandular tissue.

If there is no leaking there is not enough milk.

Fact: Milk dripping or leaking between feeds is due to milk ejection reflex or a lack of muscular tone in the area that surrounds the tiny sphincter muscles. It does not mean you have a great supply of milk.

Colostrum is not nourishing.

Fact: Colostrum is best suited for the baby´s needs just after birth. It is full of antibodies and high in protein.

I haven’t got enough milk because I don’t get much with the milk pump.

Fact: The amount of milk extracted with a pump is much less compared to the amount of milk that a baby is able to obtain by suction.

My milk is watery and doesn’t seem nourishing.

Fact: At the beginning of a feed the milk contains more lactose and is watery. Towards the end of a feed it contains more fat and is much thicker.

States of shock and being upset can cause breast milk to dry up.

Fact: Stress can certainly slow the flow (temporarily) due to inhibited milk ejection reflex. In these cases it is wise to relax and feed as often as possible making sure the breast is emptied and maintain a good supply.